Monsters or Aliens?

CASE #3: The Kentucky Goblins

One night, Billy Taylor walked from his relatives' house on the Sutton farm and out to the well for some water. The Sutton farm is located in a secluded spot in Kentucky called Kelly, which is near Hopkinsville. It was 1955, August 21, at about 7 pm when Mr. Taylor saw a glowing UFO landing behind some trees out on the farm land. He went back in the house and told the Sutton family he saw a UFO that had lights changing through all the colors of the rainbow!


Hopkinsville UFO
©1982, Atlan Productions.


The Suttons didn't quite believe Billy Taylor...not until sometime around 8:00. Elmer Sutton heard the family dog barking at something it saw through the back screen door. Sutton and Taylor went to the back door to investigate. What they saw was a silver glow coming from behind the trees. Then, seconds later, the trees parted to reveal that the strange glow was coming from the body of a little creature walking up closer to the Sutton's back door! Who would imagine that a 3-foot-tall, silver-glowing, Halloween goblin would turn out to be the pilot of the UFO?!


Hopkinsville "Goblin"
Mary Evans Picture Library.


Sutton and Taylor grabbed a rifle and a shot gun and began firing at the UFO goblin! They apparently missed the critter. The gun shots scared it back into the bushes. The Sutton family kept watch from the windows of the house, expecting the goblin to come back. A few minutes later, the two men heard a scraping sound on top of the house. Taylor and Sutton opened the back door to go outside to take a look. Taylor ran down the back steps with his gun and into the yard. Elmer Sutton was also making his way out the door to join Taylor...but no sooner than it took Taylor to turn around, he saw two goblins on top of the house! And one of the goblins had a hold of Elmer by the hair of his head as he tried to go out the back door!


Drawn by Gene Duplantier.


Billy Taylor fired a shot at the glowing goblins and hit one! The shot knocked the creature into a mid-air spin...and it floated off of the roof and down to the ground! The other creature was scared by the shot and let go of Elmer's hair. It disappeared in a puff of smoke!After this, the Sutton family locked themselves inside the house. They sat in fear. Their eyes were glued to the windows, hoping that the creatures wouldn't come back...but they did! The Sutton family were prisoners inside their own house. They were too scared to go outside and fight off all of the weird-glowing goblins walking all around the yard! After a few hours of hiding in the house, watching the goblins through the windows, the Suttons finally decided that they were going to make a run for the car. So when there was no sign of the critters in the front yard, the whole family ran out of the house and piled into the car. They quickly drove to the police and told them about the Kentucky Goblins.

Case #4: The Socorro UFO Landing

Another UFO landed in another small town in 1964. It was April 24. Socorro, New Mexico Police Sgt. Lonnie Zamora was in his patrol car moving at high speed trying to catch a speeder, when suddenly he heard a rumbling sound. His first thoughts were that a nearby dynamite shack had exploded at a work site just off of the highway...but the rumbling roar continued, lasting longer than an explosion. As the noise got louder, he could tell what direction it was coming from...up in the air! Zamora abandoned chasing the speeder when he caught sight of an egg-shaped UFO, propelled from underneath by the blue-orange flames of its roaring rocket engines!


Note the symbol on the side of the craft.
©1982, Atlan Productions.


It was 6:00 pm. The UFO landed in a nearby clearing between U.S. Highways 85 and 60 -- just 200 yards off of U.S. Highway 85! Zamora pulled off of the road and got out of his patrol car. As Zamora walked closer to the UFO, he saw two little men get out of it! The two UFO pilots were wearing white coverall uniforms. The two UFO occupants noticed the police officer walking closer, so they climbed back into their craft. It was at this time that Zamora noticed a strange red symbol painted on the outside of the UFO.


This is the symbol on the craft as drawn by Zamora.
©1974, Sandler Institutional Films.


But before Sgt. Zamora could get any closer, the object's engines fired...lifting it off the ground! Zamora took shelter flat against the warm, New Mexico sand. After the craft flew out of sight, Zamora reported the incident to some UFO investigators. The investigators took samples of the burnt ground and charred bushes that were close to the craft. They also took pictures of the footprints made in the sand by the aliens' spaceboots!


A drawing of the alien footprints.
©1974, Sandler Institutional Films.


Case #5: Plant Man!

It was mid-July 1968. Jennings Frederick was hunting for woodchuck on his father's land in Grant Town, West Virgina. As the sun was setting, he decided to walk back toward the house. Before the house was in sight, he heard a high-pitched jabbering noise. It was then that he began to pick up a mental message that someone...or SOMETHING...was sending him by ESP! The message was: "You need not fear me. I wish to communicate. I come as a friend. We know of you all. I come in peace. I wish medical assistance. I need your help."

Suddenly, Jennings became dizzy and disoriented. He wasn't quite sure how it happened, but he was now caught in what he thought to be the thorns of a wild berry briar. When he felt a slight needle-prick pain on his arm, he looked down to notice a thin green vinelike arm weaving around his own arm! The plant's 'arm' appeared to have fingers, with suction cup structures at the end of each finger! This plant appeared to be a living being...and it was sucking his blood!


Plant Man sucking blood!
Drawing by Gene Duplantier.


The creature was about 5 feet tall, with yellow slanted eyes and pointed ears...and its body was like the stalk of a plant. Yes, it was a plant man! After the creature finished taking in the blood it needed, the plant man leaped away from the scene...making jumps of 25 feet! As Jennings began to recover from his dizziness, the plant man was out of sight. A few seconds later, the sound of a roaring rocket engine was heard. The plant man's craft just lifted off!


West Virginia is a state in which a lot of highly weird activity occurs...lots of strange monsters, aliens, MIBs, and UFOs have been reported there!

The West Virginia "Devil"!
Drawing by Gene Duplantier.


Case #6: The Flatwoods Monster

Flatwoods, West Virginia is just a few miles away from a town called Sutton. On the night of September 12, 1952, several Sutton residents noticed some strange lights in the sky. And minutes later in Flatwoods, Mrs. Kathleen May and her children saw a low flying light land on a nearby hill, just a short distance into the woods behind her house. A friend of the family, 17-year-old Gene Lemon, walked with Mrs. May and her children...into the darkened woods. Lemon carried the flashlight, as they crept between trees and through the bushes. As the group got closer to the hill, they saw a ball of glowing light as big as a house!


UFO with "glowing ball" orb.
©1993, Group 1 Films.


It was spinning and wobbling as it made hissing noises. As the frightened search party turned to leave the scene, they found themselves staring at two greenish-orange glowing eyes in the darkness! At this time, a very bad smell drifted through the air. When Gene Lemon shown the flashlight beam into the pair of glowing eyes, Mrs. May and her children saw a 10-foot-tall creature with a blood-red-colored face! As this huge UFO occupant began to float toward them, they ran away! That night, these frightened observers became ill from the bad odor that the UFO pilot gave off.

The Flatwoods Monster.
Courtesy of Fortean Picture Library.
Colorized by Michael A. O'Keefe.


HighWeirdness#2:Mothman Once again, West Virginia turns out to be a territory for weirdness! Residents of Point Pleasant, West Virginia reported low-flying lights all through the summer of 1966. As UFOs flew over houses in the area, TV sets began to experience interference, and cars driving down the road began to stall. Yes, it's a case of that famous EME associated with UFOs. People walking down the streets of Point Pleasant (as well as in towns nearby) also reported another strange phenomenon: a noise that sounded like a baby crying. But the sound was not coming from a was coming from out of the sky! As people would look up to see what the sound was coming from, they saw a large winged creature! This 6-foot-tall winged creature was called Mothman in the articles written about him in the newspapers. Several times Mothman was seen flying near UFOs...or flying out of a UFO! Sometimes Mothman swooped down upon children walking home from school along the streets of Point Pleasant and also in nearby towns such as St. Albans and Mason. Mothman was seen most by people traveling along Highway 62 through West Virginia. Mothman sometimes lands in the middle of this road and stands in front of cars! Other times, Mothman flies overhead, following cars along this highway. At night, many residents in the area reported seeing Mothman standing on their front lawn or on top of houses close by. He is said to have a wingspan of 6 to 8 feet, and looks like a man with red-glowing eyes! Tad Jones of Dunbar, West Virginia was driving along Interstate 64 in January of 1967 when he saw a UFO shaped like a metal ball sitting on three legs alongside the road. A set of weird footprints was also found around the UFO. The weird footprints were the same as those found at the TNT area off of Highway 62...the home of Mothman! Does Mothman fly a UFO? Or does he just ride along with the aliens? Is Mothman an alien himself, or a monster created by the aliens? MothmanandtheMIBs Regardless of who or what Mothman is, we do know that he is connected with the UFO phenomenon. It is interesting to note that the day after Tad Jones saw Mothman's UFO, the Men In Black paid Jones a visit. They slid a note under his door, telling him to keep his mouth shut about what he had seen! (See Chapter 5) Another Mothman witness was walking to school one day when a black 1949 Buick pulled up next to her. Even though it was 1967, the old Buick appeared brand new...very common for MIB cars! And yes, when the car stopped, a MIB opened the door and called the girl over to the side of the road! Later, at 3 am the next morning, she found a note at her said "Be careful girl, I can get you yet!" Mothman,Ghosts&ESP As the West Virginia weirdness continued, many people who had a Mothman sighting also suffered from a case of mysterious eyeburn. What's even more weird is that several Mothman witnesses reported that their houses became haunted very soon after their encounter! One woman reported that when Mothman landed next to her parked car, she felt like she was in a trance! Did Mothman cause her to go into a trance so that he could mentally communicate with her by ESP? (See Activity #1) UFOs, Mothman, and the MIBs go hand-in-hand...they seem to be mysteriously related! If you're ever in West Virginia, be on the look out. If you live in West Virginia, and haven't seen Mothman, then you may be lucky. But you are sure to see something weird if you keep your eye on the sky in Point Pleasant! HighWeirdness#3:Bigfoot BigfootShoot-Out A neighboring state of West Virginia is Pennsylvania... and it looks like some weirdness has made its way into Uniontown. On October 25, 1973, Uniontown, Pennsylvania experienced its share of strange, low-flying lights...and monsters! A huge glowing ball was seen by at least 15 people at about 9 pm that night. The UFO landed on a nearby hill. Three of the fifteen witnesses wanted to get a better look at the UFO. So they got into their truck and drove to the base of the hill. As they got closer to the hill, the EME began to strike -- their headlights dimmed and their truck lost power. After they parked the truck, the oldest witness grabbed his rifle...because he feared that aliens might be lurking about! As the group walked up the hill, they heard the loud, motorized noise that the spinning light was making. And out of the corner of his eye, Stephen (the oldest one with the gun) saw the shadows of huge figures flickering by the light of the UFO. When he turned toward one of the figures, he could see then what they were up against -- a tall, hairy, ape man! As this Bigfoot creature approached, the other ape man stayed his distance. As Bigfoot got closer, Stephen could smell the horrible odor the creature's body was giving off. The odor was very much like the terrible smell that the Flatwoods monster emitted. (Case #6) At its closest, this Bigfoot with yellow glowing eyes could be heard making a noise that sounded like a crying baby...just like Mothman! (High Weirdness #2) This was too much for Stephen. He fired a shot over the creature's head...but it kept coming. It wasn't scared of the gun at all. But Stephen was terrified! He then fired a shot directly at the Bigfoot creature and it went tumbling off into the trees. Stephen and his friends turned around and started running down the hill. As they ran, the UFO lifted off the ground and shot into space! Later that night, Stephen began to lapse into a trance, as if the UFO creatures were trying to contact him by ESP! BigfootGoesUpinSmoke On February 6, 1974, a woman was watching TV late one night when she heard something knocking over her trash can. Thinking that it was a neighborhood dog, she got her gun and went outside to scare it off. To the woman's surprise, she was standing face-to-face with Bigfoot! Yes, a tall, hairy, apelike creature was eating rotten food from her garbage. In fear, she shot the creature...and disappeared in a puff of smoke! This sounds amazingly similar to what happened with the aliens in Hopkinsville, Kentucky.(Case #3) TheAtlanticNortheastBigfoot In the nearby state of Maryland, a UFO was seen hovering over a water reservoir. The next couple of weeks, people kept calling the police to report Bigfoot sightings! It is true that Bigfoot usually hides in the forests of the Pacific Northwest -- in states such as Oregon and Washington. But occasionally, the hairy creature leaves his big footprints in other states...especially Pennsylvania! It is not at all uncommon to find Bigfoot tracks near a UFO landing sight the next day. BigfootisBiggerinTexas If you're ever traveling through Bigfoot, Texas, you might want to go out hiking in the countryside. Chances are you will see Bigfoot swinging his arms as he struts his huge stride, leaving weird footprints behind! Bigfoot, Texas has been known for its sightings of tall, hairy, apelike men. And don't be surprised if you see a UFO flying in the night Texas's probably just coming back to pick up Bigfoot! BadSmells&BigFeet Yes, it seems as though some aliens and other creatures associated with UFOs have some things in common: they leave weird footprints behind and they give off bad odors! And don't be surprised if the MIBs show up to question witnesses about their Bigfoot sightings...they do that sometimes! What'saMonster? Sometimes people call aliens monsters, but are the things we call monsters really aliens? Are some monsters the pets of aliens...or do aliens create monsters to do their dirty work? You will have to be the judge of that! Activity#2:PickUpAlienImagesonTV! It is possible to use your television as an electronic device to receive images of aliens transmitted from space! Of the many, many different kinds of aliens out there, there must be some of them that use electronic means of communication. Therefore, it should be possible to pick up their signals as electronic waves through the air! What you will need: You must use a TV that allows you to watch a channel that does not carry a signal. That is, your TV should be a particular model that allows you to watch a channel full of 'snow' or static. Some of the modern TVs of today do not allow this, and they turn a static channel to a blue screen. If you see any blue screens as you flip through the TV channels, then you can not use that TV. You need to find another one. Sometimes the blue screens and static screens may be deleted. Someone in your family has taken them out of the programming. So when you surf through the channels, be on the look out for missing channels. Try punching channels in, instead of surfing through all of them. Try looking at channel 1, 99, or 100. Lots of times at least one of these channels turns out to be a static channel (STATCH). If you just see a blue screen, then you must find another TV. STEP 1: Once you have found the right kind of TV, punch in a STATCH. Watch this channel for 30 seconds. If you hear what sounds like music from the radio or talking like from a television program, then you need to find a different STATCH. Also, if you see a picture of a television program or commercial flash quickly on the screen and disappear, then you need to find a different STATCH. The STATCH that you want to watch should make a hissing noise. Also make sure that the static on the screen is bright and whitish. If the static is real dark then this activity might not work very well. STEP 2: Now turn the sound down (or mute the TV) and watch the STATCH. What you are watching is signals from cosmic radiation. This radiation was produced when the universe was created! By watching the static, you are watching the cosmic background radiation. This is where an alien message will come in. When the aliens talk to each other, from planet to planet, or from their UFOs in orbit around the Earth, you will see a change in the static! Some people have actually seen pictures of aliens on their TV! Also the aliens have spoken over these channels! How to watch: For the best results, you need a clear view of the screen. A glare on the screen can cause you to miss something. So it's best if you......wait until night time to watch. Turn off all the lights in the room and close the window shade and on a cold night. In the past, people have gotten better results while watching when it's cold outside....sit directly in front of the TV about 2 or 3 feet away. Get in a comfortable position and relax. Stare at the center of the screen. Do not move your eyes. Watch like this for at least 5 minutes...but you may want to watch longer. What to watch for: Alien messages and images can take a variety of forms. Many of the images have been seen as......a change in brightness or darkness in the picture. If the screen flashes from bright to dark several times, and doesn't do it again for at least 10 minutes, then you are probably picking up alien messages!...patterns appearing in the static. If the random static images on the screen form into patterns such as swirls, spinning diamonds, or solid objects, then you are receiving alien images!...the picture or visual image of an alien being! Some people have reported that it is like watching a fuzzy picture of an alien communicating from his UFO view screen! If you see this, do not be frightened. The alien can not see you. He does not know where you live. Just turn the TV off and leave the room for a while. Report what you have seen by writing a letter to a UFO magazine or the author of this book. TIPS: 1.If you don't see any alien images the first time you watch, try again later. Also try to watch longer. 2.You may want to use a VCR to record the STATCH for a long time. Watch the tape later for alien images. (Note: You can record a blue screen channel from a modern TV. When you watch the tape recording, it WILL show the static!) 3. Try watching a different STATCH sometime. 4. Watch or record the STATCH at different times during the day. 5.Watch the STATCH during a cloudy or rainy day. GLOSSARYOFTERMS  Bigfoot: A creature that measures from 6 to 10 feet tall with a face resembling a man and a body resembling an ape. This creature has been called Sasquatch by the Native American Indians, and Yeti (Abominable Snowman) by the people of the snowy regions of Tibet. He has been called Bigfoot by modern Americans because of the huge footprints he leaves behind. Strange lights have been reported in the sky just before waves of Bigfoot sightings. Bigfoot creatures have also been seen near landed UFOs...and sometimes they go on board! Goblin: In books of folklore, a goblin is an evil spirit which resembles a human with a misshapen body. STATCH: Static channel. This is what to watch on your TV when searching for alien images. UFO Occupants: Any creature or being that is seen getting into, coming out of, or flying a UFO.